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Writer's picture: Stories from 2050Stories from 2050

We all have been waiting for this, and finally, after taking carefully some time to compile all the stories created for that project, we are so proud to say we are ready to fly!

The STORIES FROM 2050 booklet contains all stories written during our co-creation sessions and some additional content published on this website. Please read, share and comment to keep the conversation going. For all of you who are overwhelmed by excitement, here is a small step-by-step guide on how to proceed:


  1. Read the stories here

  2. Share either the complete file using this link below or select the page of your preferred story on the full-screen mode

  3. Explore the whole process of the creation of the stories

  4. Comment on each story and keep the conversation going

  5. Inspired? Share your own story

  6. For every story published we plant a tree - reaching over 1560 planted trees by now, still counting.

Special thanks to our dedicated story writers who donated parts of their full compensation to planting trees:

Lin Lune, Johanna Hoffman, Giovanne Giuffrè, Nicole Seredenko, Chris Butler, Rabia Umar & Umar Sheraz, Eva Eiling, Nicole Lott, Matthias Weber, Totti Könnölä, Octavia Cade, Johanna Hoffman, Radu Gheorghiu, Ullrich Lorenz, Alessandro Imperatore, Khary Jackson, Rachael Lowe, Ann Odell, Fernanda Rocha, Sandra Martinez, Frank Spencer, Marguerite Coetzee, Enric Bas, Eric van Gennip, Tracey Follows, Tanja Schindler, Graciela Guadarrame Baena, Monika Bielskyte, Mario Mimoso, Leah Zaidi, & Chiayu Hsu

Enjoy reading!

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