The project #OurFutures - Images for the future of Europe invites all to write a very short story expressing what you would like to see in the Europe of the future, with your hopes, uncertainties and ideas. More info: https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/projects-activities/ourfutures-images-future-europe_en
The European Solidarity Corps team is happy that 78 young people took part in our short story competition. The 10 winners are highlighted on their platform. More info https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/short-story/stories_en
Europeana empowers the cultural heritage sector in its digital transformation. We develop expertise, tools and policies to embrace digital change and encourage partnerships that foster innovation. More info: https://www.europeana.eu/en/stories
One Day in 2050 is a collaborative project for climate change activation, made by 365 fictional news from 2050 (one for each day) written by 365 voices from the future to teach us how CC will reshape our society. A 365 degrees unique vision on the future of our planet. Open Call for Contributions. More info: www.oneday2050.org
Creating a time capsule is a form of time travel. Imagine a future where the world is blooming and blossoming, what does it look like, feel like, smell like, sound like? This time-capsule project is curated by Lilian de Jong. More info: https://futurebased.org/future-based-time-capsule-anticipated-futures/
What story should Europe tell in the 21st-century? European citizens tell their #EuropeanMoments and share their vision for the future of Europe. More info: https://europeanmoments.com/